The Active & Agile Approach to Robust Aging: Apply The Why


“We enable well-being, the reasons one wishes to be alive.”
- Atul Gawande, Author, Being Mortal

“Coaches, we layer on robustness based on the confidence and competence required by our clients to perform in their environments of choice.”
- Pat VanGalen, Owner, Active & Agile

Through the lens of changing the ‘way and the pace’ at which we age, from both a biological and functional perspective, this course is designed to provide experienced coaches with a framework and tools to COACH adult clients towards resilience and durability, for a very possible 100-year journey.

35 yo presents the beginning of a window of opportunity to invest in bending the trajectory of the aging curve; to bend it, to extend it, and to square it off, compressing decades of frailty, mobility disability and dependence into years, even months, while enriching and nudging our health, brain, and play spans up close and personal to our lifespans.

My Active & Agile System has THREE major components:
  • 5 Pillars of Robust Aging, each with 3 BIG Rocks
  • the 7S Functional ‘Freedom’ Training Buckets
  • the 3 Bs: Baselines–Basics–Benchmarks
… All of which are integrated into a recipe that DEcelerates the pace of aging, even reversing chronic disease, loss of function and dependence, and reducing the need for Rx’s and procedures. But most important of all is the mindset makeover that fosters living life with vitality and vigor, with purpose and relevance for ALAP.

If you are coaching seasoned adults, 35+++, who aspire to age healthier and move better for longer, regardless of challenges, this system is simple and solid, but malleable.

Coaches, HEALTH-care, not sick-care needs us more than ever, not only in primary prevention,
but more so in the secondary space of pre-emption, where we catch low-to-high risk adults headed for the downward spiral of frailty, fragility, dependence, and a long slow decline. We are here to prevent, pre-empt and R.E.H.A.B.

CFSCs are masters of scaling, of progression and regression. Coaching ‘seasoned adults’ IS your future AND your ‘bread and butter.’ We are at the helm of threading movement, our most powerful weapon against ACcelerated aging, into buttressing all of the Pillars of Robust Aging, enabling our clients to live, labor, care-give, play and compete in their game of life for ALAP.

Coaches, 85% of aging robustly resides in OUR coaching wheelhouse. Rethink the WHY, and forever transform the APPLY.


  • Current CFSC1/ CFSCII, recognized S&C or PT Certification, Degreed-Experienced Coach
  • Upon registration, you will receive 10 articles; please review prior to attending.


Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning
29 Draper Street Woburn, MA
2024-05-19 11:45:00 UTC - 2024-05-19 21:00:00 UTC

Course Content

Module Lecture Slides
Introductory Lecture
Lecture 2
Practical 1
Practical 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Practical 3
Lecture 5

CFSC CEC Course Format

  • 1-Day: 8 Contact hours / 8 Modules [55:00 ea]
  • CFSC CECs: 8 CECs upon course completion, and a score of 80% on module quizzes.


8 Modules [50:00 + 5:00 Q&A] / Modules 3-7 each include 20-25:00 Hands-On

7:15-7:45 Check-In
7:45-8:00 Welcome / CEC Info / Housekeeping / Course Overview
8:00-8:55 Module 1 Robust Aging System Overview
4I’s [Aging Accelerants] / 5 Pillars / 7S Buckets,
3B’s [Baselines-Basics-Benchmarks]
9:00-9:55 Module 2 The Movement Pillar / 3 Big Rocks / 7S Training Buckets
Bucket #1: Spirit
10:00-10:55 Module 3 #2 Suppleness & Stability: Baby Bucket & Ground Game
11:00-11:55 Module 4 #3 Gait Speed w/ Sprint-like Mechanics
1200-12:45 --- LUNCH –
12:45-1:40 Module 5 #4 Strength-to-Power [light-heavy implements]
1:45-2:40 Module 6 #5 Skills: Agility-Balance-Coordination-Power-Reaction-Speed
2:45-3:40 Module 7 #6 Stamina – Steady & In-Spurts [MIT-HIIT-SIT]
3:45-4:40 Module 8 #7 Specificity & Specifics [Part I & II]
Part III: Building a Community Robust Aging Network
Is 60 the new 40? The Future is Bright!
4:40-5:00 Q&A + Wrap-Up

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